Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Batik

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Morning everybody.
Honorable to headmaster of  SMK 2 Pekalongan. Respectable to teachers, adminsistration staff, and other audiences. And lovable to friends, brothers, and sisters.
First, let’s say thanks to The Almaghty God, because only by His clemency, we can gather in this place to participate in the 64th anniversary of SMK 2 Pekalongan.

Ladies and Gentleman,
The history of Batik based on the etymology. The word 'Batik' is though to be derived from the word “ambatik” which translated means 'a cloth with little dots', the suffix “tik” means 'to make dots'. Batik is cultural diversity of other culture in the world, because it is very different from other country's cultural and very intricate.
There are 2 reason why do I proud with Batik :
Batik is a heritages from our ancestor which has a great value and the identity for our country
It's very impossible if you stay in Indonesia, especially Java Island and never see Batik clothes. Indonesian batik is made in several regions, but the center of the art is Central Java.
Do you remember when Malaysia has been claimed copyright of Batik? Who is wrong infact, Indonesia or Malaysia? I think both of them. Why? Because Malaysia has been stolen one of the existing culture in Indonesia. And what exactly wrong with Indonesia?Before Malaysia plowing Batik, Indonesia doesn't have to preserve or develop potential of Batik. But, don't worry. Now, UNESCO has decided Batik in list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity item on 2nd October 2009.
Batik is an valuable asset
Everyone knows that Batik can be a beautiful handycraft. Not only as a beautiful clothes but also as a bag, a souvenir, a wallets and etc. Batik is not old anymore. We can see that Batik has many modification now. Batik can also increase a country's income through a process of export and import activities, we will get a devisa from that.

Brothers and sisters,
We have been talked   about Malaysian claimed. So, how to keep Batik alive?
1 . Using Batik in some occasion
We don't feel ashame to use Batik because now Batik is modern, more fashionable, make you feel comfort, have a bright colour and suitable for the teenanger. And if you go to the party there are many beautiful Batik gown now. The Government have a tradition to wear Batik clothes every Friday. And almost all of school in Indonesia have different Batik uniform. It's different than Japan who has Kimono or Korea who has Hanbok, Batik can used at everytime you want.
2. Learn to make Batik
When we see a foreigner wear Batik clothes we're absolutely proud of our culture.Foreign people learn our culture   because they can realize how beautiful and amazing our culture. So where are we? As a teenager we can use our holiday to learn how to make Batik, so we can keep our culture. It's pity that Batik development doesn't happen hand in hand with the regeneration of traditional Batik crafts people. Doing Batik actually needs patience but the skill can be bequeathed to the young generations. The younger generations should be immediately involved   in the development of Batik craftsmanship, so they can keep the craft alive and even make masterpieces themselves, and prevent Batik from being claimed by other countries.

Ladies and Gentleman,
So, I just wanna say “Love Batik as Our Identity, Keep Batik Alive!”
Okay, I think that's enough from me, I hope it might be useful for Us, and thanks for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Follow me : @sidul_uyee

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